The following guide will help players with everything they need to know about this new system. It has a new PAX skill tree for all the four classes, more weapons and gear to collect, a brand new endgame level, and the Ascension system.
Fans have gotten the full details surrounding the expansion and what kind of gameplay to expect.
For more details on Expeditions and how to climb Challenge Tiers quickly, check out iFlynn’s guide below.Furthermore, it was also a nice little getaway for fans to witness the Worldslayer expansion that was on the horizon. Avoid being backed into a corner and take down the Brood Mothers quickly to succeed. Colosseum has several Elite foes but is otherwise comprised of three big encounters. Stargrave has three encounters and while the first room can be tough, the final boss is not that difficult. It’s not super difficult and being able to kite foes in the last section makes the boss fight that much easier.

Fortunately, there are still some very good Expeditions to indulge in like Archway of Enoch.

The previous meta areas were Chem Plant and Boom Town but with the recent changes to medal times, they can be a lot tougher to deal with. There are certain Expeditions that are better suited for farming than others. This is considered the final boss in the overall story and should serve as the end of your journey when defeated. Upon reaching Challenge Tier 15 and collecting 40,000 Drop Pod Resources, you’ll unlock the final Expedition – the Eye of the Storm. Damage Absorber provides a flat increase to armor and resistance while Mitigation from Death provides armor for 10 seconds when killing foes while aiming down sights.
You should also look into various mods like Emergency Stance, where you gain the Golem effect for four seconds if your health drops below 30 percent Ice Trap which freezes enemies in a 10 meter radius if your health drops below 30 percent and Rejuvenation for increased Firepower, armor and Anomaly Power for eight seconds whenever you heal. Pay attention to the different attributes on your armor and weapons, making sure to invest in health, armor, weapon leech, healing received and so on for improved survivability. The key is to go back through the campaign and either replay story missions or farm Beast Hunts at the highest World Tier for better gear. Based on the tier, they can be several levels higher than you and since the player’s max level cap is 30, you may find yourself dying a lot. For more details on buying Legendaries quickly, check out our guide here.Įnemies in Expeditions are significantly tougher than your average foes. Drop Pod Resources are earned from Expeditions but you can also purchase them with Titanium from Tiago (who also sells Legendaries for your class). While the first three Expeditions can be accessed at any time, you’ll need to pay Drop Pod Resources for others. Keep clearing them with better times – as indicated by the Bronze, Silver and Gold rewards – and you’ll eventually garner enough points to go to the next tier. You’re rewarded based on your performance at the end (though failing does give some rewards as well).Įxpeditions have their own Challenge Tiers – you can start out by playing up to Tier 3 Expeditions.

Enemies in Expeditions don’t drop any loot. These are independent of your World Tier and act as new missions that dole out rewards based on how quickly you can clear them. Upon clearing the campaign in Outriders, you’ll unlock its core endgame activity – Expeditions.