Johnny was born to Barton Blaze and unnamed mother. By calling the fire spirit within him, the spirit of vengeance, he will turn into Ghost Rider.

After his father dies, the devil known as Mephisto (or Roarke) turned him into a demon who's head was a skull on fire. Johnny Blaze was a stunt motorcyclist who sold his soul to the devil to make his father better from cancer.
That's why I had to run, halfway across the world, and I'm still running.” ―Ghost Rider Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance And you don't want to be around when that happens, see there's good and bad in all of us, and maybe you're not a murderer, but you did something that you didn't want the Rider to see, a white lie, and illegal download, what about you? And you? I've tried to fight it, to hold it back, but the darkness inside me only gets stronger. I was possessed by an ancient demon, in the presence of evil, I change into a monster, and I pray on the wicked, and I suck out their souls. Now I know what your thinking, does this kid ever watch movies, does this ever work out fine? Well, let's just say good judgment wasn't exactly my forte. Yeah, that is right, I'm the guy who made a deal with the devil. But when my dad got sick, I did something way crazier than that. It's kind of funny, it's on Youtube, check it out. I did a bare ass 360 triple backflips in front of twenty-two thousand people. My name is Johnny Blaze, I used to ride a motorcycle for a living. Ionut Cristian Lefter (young) “ It doesn't matter how far you run, there are some demons you just can't escape.